Here are some of what our parents and students have said about how Bridges to Learning is helping with 'building the bridges of academic success' in their lives.

Parent of SS
"My daughter was diagnosed with level 2 Autism. She has been in Speech & OT since she was 9 months old. Since she started first grade she has wanted to learn to read. We paid for private tutoring, private therapy & got what she could in school. She is now in 4th grade and we had held her back a year. We were worried that she would never be able to read due to a mental blockage.
Anytime she was taught they would have to start all over the following day so she was not progressing at all.
My daughter’s therapist recommended Jacky Egli at Bridges to Learning for tutoring. Jacky sat down with us listening to the issues we were dealing with and all the different things we
have tried. Then she explained the different programs she could use and the different techniques of teaching for helping someone like my daughter. With all the tutoring, therapy & special ed
programs we have tried, I will say we were a bit skeptical but willing to try anything.
It has now been a year with Bridges to Learning and my daughter is reading! She has fully completed the first program & we couldn’t be more proud. We owe all our gratitude to Jacky. Every
time my daughter reads a book, she says “Mom, you know why I can read so good? Because Ms. Egli taught me.”
"It's not easy for me to take notes because my brain doesn't want to hold on to the words until I can write them down. My parents found Bridges to Learning where I can get help for these skills. It's cool, because now I can do my work in school and I fit in."
Parent of LP
"My son has two learning disabilities that make reading very difficult for him. Last year when we started working with Ms. Egli, he was at least 2 grade levels behind his peers. He refused to even
look at books let alone read one. This year he has willingly checked out books from the library and read them by himself. Ms. Egli goes above and beyond to make sure he is able to get the
education he deserves. She doesn’t promise miracles, bu if anyone was a miracle worker, it would be her."
"I didn't like to read aloud and was always scared that the teacher would call on me to read aloud in class. Mom found a tutoring program, Bridges to Learning, where the teacher is teaching me a new way to learn to read. Now I ASK to read in class! I can do it!"